by jeslin January 18, 2017

At the last sequence we have provided some top tips guidelines for startups this section will teach how to attract the customer and transform into appropriate conversions. Your company has just launched a new and improved website. You’ve spent months designing and optimizing it. No stone was left unturned. Or so you thought. You’re getting tremendous traffic to your website, but customers aren’t taking the most important step: making a purchase.


While you were making your website sleek and optimized for the search engines, optimizing your conversion rate likely fell through the cracks.

Conversion rate optimization is important if your company wants to succeed and make a profit. You can have the best website, but it is useless unless customers are led to make a purchase.

Here are some tips to help you boost your conversion rate optimization:

1.Call to Action

If you want people to go onto the next step and make a purchase, make the next step clear to them. A flashy website with all sorts of buttons and colors can confuse the would-be buyer. Customers will get overwhelmed and either leave your website or click on another option.

Remove unnecessary clutter and make your purchase call to action (CTA) clear, obvious and different from the rest of the webpage’s other content.

Customers don’t have much time or patience. When they make a purchase, they want to be guided exactly where to go and complete their purchase with as few clicks as possible.

Focusing on one CTA, removing unnecessary content and using a stand-out modal are some suggestions to make your purchase CTA clear to your website visitors.

2.Reasons to Buy

Establishing a clear CTA is just the beginning. While your customers like being guided through to the check-out cart, they won’t blindly follow without reason to trust you.

Give your site visitors reasons to trust you and buy from you. Customer recommendations and testimonials and samples from your company’s past work projects are some items to highlight in order to persuade customers to make the decision to buy.

3.Look at the Overall Website Before Optimizing it for Conversions

If your website isn’t great, or has a poor user experience, the best CTAs won’t do you any good.

Website visitors who have a positive experience will be more likely to trust and buy from you. A slow, cluttered site with poor content is a sure way to get customers to click away from your site instead of continuing onto the purchasing process.

Before optimizing your site for conversions, make sure the user experience elements, such as page load times, clear, succinct content, and page authority, are in working order.

4.Right Images and Colors

You’ve likely heard that images catch more attention than just text. You can’t, however, just insert any image.

Believe it or not, there is a psychological aspect to images. Different images evoke different emotions. It is a good idea to use an image that brings out the emotion you want to instill into your prospective buyer. Think about what emotional pull will compel them to make a buying decision.

Different colors also evoke different emotional responses.

Red, for example instills a sense of urgency, while blue instills trust. Carefully choose the best image and color combination that emphasizes the right emotion in your customers.

5.Right Wording

How you state your CTA is important. Customers want to know up-front what exactly they are purchasing. Vague phrases like “Free Website Design” won’t fare as well as “View Our Service Plans and Prices.”

Every call to action not only needs to be specific and clear, it must state an action you want the customer to take.

Try to use words that your customers will understand and are what they want to hear. After all, your product or service is to help solve their problem, so let them know how, exactly, you’re going to do that.

6.Create Custom Landing Pages

Each campaign not only needs to have a CTA, but it must have a dedicated landing page. A dedicated landing page will help prevent having too much clutter.

When creating a custom landing page, start with the content first and then do the design. This way, the layout, colors and design will emphasize and support the CTA, not detract from it.

7. Customer Comments to Speak to Other Customers

Reviewing past customer comments on their experience with your product or service can make for great content. The feedback from customers can help you not only build a better product or service, but provides content that other customers can better identify with.

Customers who get the impression that other customers are talking to them rather than a company, they are more likely to listen and take the desired purchasing action.

8.Keep Landing Page Content Short

Your customers are short on time and patience. They don’t want to read a novel about why they should buy from you. They also don’t want to wade through an onslaught of available services or products.

It is important you keep your content short and concise. It needs to quickly get to the point while providing all the necessary information the customer needs.